This is mom working on the meal preparations! She did a wonderful job. She made a turkey, mashed potatoes "Italian-Style", sweet potato casserole, homemade cranberry sauce and more. She even got a Tofurky for me! Great job Mom!
This is my brother and C2. They are very much alike personality wise and have a lot of fun together. C2 really enjoyed getting to play football and farkel with Uncle J!
This is L with his cousin J. They have so much fun together and get along famously. For a week before we went, L was saying, I can't wait to see J, he is my best friend! They didn't miss a beat and enjoyed every second they had together.
Here is Sweet C1 hanging with dad. The boys are always so happy to have their dad around more during the holiday vacation time. They played lots of football and dad even took them to his old high school football field to play while mom was shopping with Nana on Black Friday. They had a great time!

Here is a picture of all the cousins! I can't believe we got a shot of all of them looking at the same time!
It was wonderful to see family again and share this wonderful time of Thanksgiving with them!
Thanks to all who hosted us! We love you!
Looks like sweet memories and yummy food.
What great family pictures! How was the shopping in NY? And...I'd love the recipe to mashed potatoes (Italian style!) Glad you are home!!
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