We continued our study of the Middle Ages. Our focus this week was on the Byzantine Empire and Justinian I, the greatest emperor of the Empire. We also learned a lot about early monks and monestaries. You can see in the pictures that we made stained glass "windows" to reinforce what we were learning about early churches. The boys did a super job, didn't they? We also painted our salt-dough maps.
During science we made a model of the solar system and hung it on our dining room wall. The model is not to scale. The planets are made out of balloons. However, we had fun blowing up the balloons and trying to measure their circumference. Those tiny planets were very very tricky!
C1 read Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights this week. He really enjoyed it. Both the boys read about St. Patrick during church history. What an amazing warrior for God. As a family we Netflixed a movie about his life, which everyone enjoyed, though I think J might have prefered watching Jay Jay the Jetplane as evidenced by him walking around saying "Jay Jay" and trying to put it in the DVD player :)
This week L continued to enjoy working along side his brothers. As you can see he made his own mini salt-dough map. He really loved painting it!
J enjoyed cutting fake fruits and veggies with mom. It is a lot of fun doing this activity with him. It has reminded me of a time I've done it with each of my boys. We have had this set since C1 was little and they have all loved it!
Lastly, the boys participated in a scavenger hunt at the library. As part of the hunt, C1 got to experience microfiche, which was hidden in a back room under an inch of dust. Nevertheless, it worked! It's good to know the technology we grew up on is not yet extinct!
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