
Thursday, August 28, 2008

1st Day of SEEK!

Today was our first day of SEEK, our homeschool coop! It was so great to see all of our friends and start our classes again! As you can see from the picture, the boys were all very excited this morning!

The big boys each get to take 2 classes. C1 is taking a research class and a class on puppets. C2 is taking a class called "Exploring the World of Science" and a P.E. class. L does preschool and today he did the letter A. He actually came home with a bit of homework. :) J had a lot of fun in nursery.

Moms get to take a bible study one hour and the other hour they are helping with the children. I am an assistant in a human body class. My bible study this semester is called "Season's of a Mother's Heart". The lady teaching has two boys and homeschooled them from K-12. They are 25 and 23 now and are both very successful. One works PR for a production company in NYC! I think she has a lot of wisdom to share about raising boys and I plan on gleaning all I can from her.

We are so thankful to be a part of this coop! It is one of the highlights of our week!

Check out C1's spider puppet!

1 comment:

Norma said...

Hey Guys! We miss you... it's been SO long!

I'm glad your email went crazy because now we know about your blog and can keep up with you. Cool!