
Sunday, February 1, 2009

I've been tagged!

I've been asked to share 6 (un)interesting things about me.
Here's the tag:

1 -Link back to the blog that tagged you: The NC Brownings

2 - Make a list of 6 (un)interesting things about yourself.

3- Tag five other blogs, (but I'm skipping this) and let them know by leaving them a comment.

Six (un)interesting things about me:

(1) I am vegan about 90% of the time and have been for over a year. The meat and eggs are no problem. The diary is what gets me. I don't really know how to have pasta without parm cheese. I also cannot totally give up pizza. Also, if I go over someone's home that doesn't know how I eat I will eat a little bit of diary in order to not be rude. I am mainly vegan for health reasons and a little bit for animal reasons.

(2)I don't really like to run, but I do it because I know it is good for me. I LOVE competitive sports, so I always do better when I run a race than when I run alone because I am so competitive. I would love to be able to play softball and basketball when my boys are a bit older. I would also like to join the gym again, but who knows when I'll have time for that.

(3) My love language is acts of service, which is a problem when my husband and oldest son are physical touch. I am not a lovey, dovey, cuddly person. Sometimes it almost makes me feel uncomfortable, like crawling out of my skin uncomfortable. I often feel very guilty about this.

(4) My husband and I were married before our actual wedding. We went to the court house so we could buy our house as a married couple.

(5)Homeschooling is hard for me because I am not the smartest person. I am hoping we can go through high school, but I am starting to seriously get concerned about that.

(6) When things are really out of order in my house, I freak out. I mean really freak out, like I want to cry freak out. I usually bark at everyone for a half hour until it is in a reasonable amount of order.

Since I don't like to post without a picture. Here are some of our sweet boys.


Tracey said...

Jen...I had no idea! Numbers 3 & 6 are exactly like me!! Really..the same love language and the skin crawling thing and the need for order AND the barking! Thanks for playing along with the tag..see you soon! (p.s. I don't believe the 'not the smartest person' stuff, not for a minute.)

The Comers said...

I know that you're brillinat! And you just finished teaching your 1st grader square roots, right?! I have the same love language, and Mark has the same one Chuck has. : )Can't imagine you barking at anyone! I know that feeling of frustration- where to begin getting things in order?! Sometimes it's overwhelming with little ones, and big ones to school.