We participated in a Science Fair, our first!
Callen did a project called "Who Owns the Road?" in which he hypothesized that "family" cars would be more likely to stop at a stop sign than "sports" cars. His hypothesis was correct! He and Chuck sat together for a few hours watching 100 cars go by.
Cole made a compound machine. He discussed how grativy can be used to make a machine work.
The second weekend, we went to Clifton Forge, Virginia to celebrate my aunt's 30th wedding anniversary. Mom flew down from NY and drove with us to VA. It was a chance for her to visit with her 5 siblings. We had a lot of fun! My mom is in the center of that shot of all the Piazza brothers and sisters. They are in age order. The other is a shot of my sweet, coordinating boys! Yes...I am one of those annoying mom's that tries to match their clothes! See how C1 pulls all the shirts together. I think my mother was ready to kill me when we went shopping for the shirts!
The 3rd weekend in February was J's birthday! He turned 2! He is starting to talk so much and has a wild personality. We just love laughing with him and at him! In the second picture, you can see what he did to himself after everyone left. We instructed the boys to head upstairs and wash up and get ready for bed. He followed all the boys up and proceeded to cover his head with handsoap! It took a while to get it out!

That same weekend we also participated in a "Wax Museum" with our homeschool group. Essentially, what took place was that each of the students selected a famous person from the time in history they were studying. Then they prepared a speech told in the first person and a costume of that person. The day of the museum, all the children were located in different parts of the house in a frozen position, thus the title wax, and when we pressed a button attached to their costume they came to life and told all about who they were and why they were famous during that time period! It was a lot of fun! C1 was William Bradford and C2 was John Smith. They did a wonderful job and we had a great time!
The last weekend in February we visited Jamestown and Colonial Williamsburg! We had such a blast! It was wonderful to see the kids get so excited about history and seeing what we had learned about! Here are some of the many pictures we took!
On to Jamestown.....
I am not a great writer, nor a good arranger of photos/blogs and this may not look that great, but it is a reminder to me of how blessed we are! I have a great husband, amazing sons, wonderful family/friends, and awesome opportunities. Most importantly I serve a mighty and gracious God that allows me the privilege of all this experiences while on this earth. Praise be to Him!